Support & resources
There are a range of materials available to help support your patients with Fabry disease who are receiving Galafold.
Please contact Amicus ( directly to receive more information about any of these resources and to request copies.

Galafold starter pack
The Galafold starter pack is a support resource for patients prescribed Galafold.
The contents have been shaped by feedback from UK Galafold patients and Fabry healthcare specialists. Two components have received the Crystal Mark for clarity of Plain English: Galafold Starter booklet and the Fabry symptom tracker.

MyDay App (part of the starter pack)
The MyDay App is designed to support patients with Fabry disease and help them establish a routine for taking their Galafold capsule.
The MyDay App is free for patients to download on the Apple® App store and Google® Play store.
A support leaflet is available which contains the access code patients will need to start using the app.

MyDay App Leaflet
Patients can use this leaflet to learn about the features of the MyDay App and how to use it. It also contains an access code which patients will need to start using it.
The leaflet is available as a download item for patients on the Galafold patient site; Contact us to request copies.

A visual guide to Fabry disease
This factsheet provides patients with a background to Fabry disease including what causes Fabry disease and how the disease could affect them.

Pain in Fabry
This factsheet is intended to provide patients with information on the pain that may be associated with Fabry disease. The factsheet looks at the effects of Fabry pain, frequent locations of the pain and potential management approaches.

Women and Fabry
This factsheet covers the unique challenges that may be faced by women who live with Fabry disease.

Fabry disease and Hearing Loss
This leaflet covers the way in which hearing may be affected in patients with Fabry disease, with information about management options.

Galafold patient animation
This animation is designed for patients, and covers how Galafold works, how it’s taken and what patients should do if they miss a dose or experience any side effects.
Contact us if you would like to view this animation. It is also available for patients on the Galafold patient site;
How to remove a Galafold capsule
This animation gives step-by-step instructions on removing the Galafold capsules from their packaging. A version for patients can be found on the Galafold patient site;